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The Earl Campbell Story - References to the war being over and coming home

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Dec 3, 1918, R.R. No. 1 King letter to Earl from Annie Sturdy. Mentions Hazel not sure who Earl married.
"Dear Earl: I received your letter of Nov. 5 a few days ago. It was written just about a wk before the armistice was signed. My that is surely the greatest news the world has ever had. You seemed to know you had your job nearly finished too, eh? Well, we didn't here. I bet you would hardly be able to control yourself. By the way how did you sleep when the noise had ceased? We have just heard Harry Bovair is expected home anyday now. I wonder if he'd rather be here or over there 'now'. They say that hear and Art met in Eng. Art was drafter you know.

… Annie S.

Dec 4, 1918 letter to Merelda from Earl. Reference on p. 3 to war being over.
p.3 ... Pauline was saying the night they heard the War was over. The guys with their legs chopped off were climbing the telephone poles in Toronto. Lucky the live wires hang high in the air or they might try skinning the cat on them. I'll not forget the day in this country when all the Guns ceased that noise of theirs. I turned umpteen hand springs in the air before I hit the earth. That's something all can't do, ha-ha. Well this is the 6th move I'll make sure I'll finish the letter this time. I have not started for home yet. But the time is soon now. I see by the English papers that some of the Canucks are on the way for home. Gosh I wish they would hurry up and put me on a boat for that good old Country called Canada.

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